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$3000.00 Prize On the Line for the “Mile High Menace”!

  In a sport full of nicknames, you might be hard pressed to find a fighter with a better suited nickname for their style then Nick. 

  The 26 year old up and coming 303 Training Center fighter fights with a ferocity, power and seemingly endless gas tank that will surely make you a fan from the moment the bell rings.


As an amateur fighter  "The Mile High Menace"  is as well rounded as any up and coming professional fighter which makes him a true threat to all contenders no matter where the fight may go.  

  Why is being well rounded so important? Well outside the obvious reasons... being well rounded is particularly valuable when there is $3000.00 on line for possessing such abilities.


Yep, that’s right $3000.00.


"Wait" you might say! 

Nick is a 2-0 amateur fighter, how can he make $3000.00?  You would be right to wonder such a question.  

  Just to give you a little context on how much money that is for a fighter. Let's just say most all fighters making their professional debut only make $500.00 to show and $500.00 to win. 

So, this is definitely an unbelievable opportunity for any fighter much less an amateur fighter.  

The way Nick can accomplish this is by winning the very prestigious "KING OF SPARTA FEATHERWEIGHT ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT” on January 21st at the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds in Aurora, Colorado.

  The tournament itself is a unique one of a kind tournament that requires fighters to participate in a Boxing match, Kickboxing match and an MMA fight all in one night! 

This is a single elimination tournament so to win it all and the $3000.00 prize you must win all three fights in the order mentioned above.  

  Nick Montez is truly an up and coming star and there has not been a 303 Training Center fighter better equipped to win this tournament since the last time we witnessed Coach LT “Smash" Nelson become The King of Sparta and win it all in dramatic fashion at the professional level twice in two different weight classes!  


  Buy your tickets now by following the link below and putting the CODE  “MONTEZ” in all CAPS so Nick gets credited for the tickets!  

  So bring your loudest cheers and join your 303 Training Center jiu jitsu, wrestling and kickboxing family on the 21st of this month as Nick “The Mile High Menace” looks to make his name live forever in the halls of the 303 Training Center by becoming the 2nd fighter off our mats to be the next KING OF SPARTA! 



Tony Basile

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3 comentários

Ben Smith
Ben Smith
10 de jan. de 2023

Go Nick!


10 de jan. de 2023

And a super nice person on top of it. I tuned into his last night. It was epic.


303 Training Center
303 Training Center
10 de jan. de 2023

***Click the photo of Nick to access the link to purchase tickets***

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